Why Schedule Your Window Replacement Before Cold Weather Hits?

Homeowners can opt to schedule a window replacement project anytime, but trusted home efficiency companies like Building Performance Professionals suggest having your windows replaced before cold weather arrives. In this article, we’ll discuss the reasons why.

Why Do You Need a Window Replacement?

Before scheduling a window replacement project, you should first understand why it’s a good investment. Here are four reasons you can look into before making a decision:

Fixing Damaged Windows Is Expensive

Broken windows can be costly to fix. Due to poor sealing, heated indoor air can leak out of your home and cold air can come in. When this happens, you’ll have a chilly interior, an overworked heating system and higher monthly energy bills.


Replacing your windows involves removing the existing ones. Even if your trusted contractors try to work quickly during an installation, if you put the project off until the cold season, weather conditions may cause delays.

Old Windows Can Harbor Mold and Mildew Growth

Moisture can penetrate through old windows and make its way into your home. This often results in health risks such as mold and mildew growth.

New Windows Are Appealing

There’s nothing much prettier than a new window dressed up for the holiday season. Replacing worn-out windows with new ones will add a lot to your home’s aesthetic appeal.

Why Schedule a Window Replacement Project Before Winter?

Turn to Building Performance Professionals (BPP) for professional window replacement home efficiency services at any time of the year. Give us a call at (925) 256-1092 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We look forward to working with you!